How many times do I have learn the hard way? A couple of weeks ago while at Beverly's Fabric store, I stopped in to take a peek at the consignment shop next door. On the shelf I found an elf planter. I had it in my hand and put it back. Last week I went back to buy it. It was gone, that was what led me to the Peddler's Fair last Sat. I thought for sure I would get my elf fix. Nope, no luck there either. This is the second time this happened to me at this consignment shop. The last time it was a hutch that would have been perfect for my kitchen. Lesson learned again? buy it when you see it, it will not be there when you return. I'm tired of telling myself that if it isn't there it isn't meant to be.
So about collections, I have a few; tins, elfs, pincushions, other sewing odds and ends. The elf collections started with the little burgundy guy and the little green guy on the tin in the picture on the left below. They were my grandmother's. All of the others have been given to me by friends. 
Ok, so back to the peddlers fair, I have two pictures that I took that I would like to share. Since the booths were all packing up, I went into a couple of antique shops that were still open. The shop where I took this picture had great displays, very artistically arranged. With so many items of odd ranges a shop can look very messy. I took this picture of the shop owners display of Bakelite. So much color contained in one space. Check out the cherry necklace. I love looking at this stuff, but the only jewelry I wear are earrings. So I don't buy, just look. That is the shop owner in the picture, oops.
As I mentioned in my last post, I'm on vacation this week. You would think I would be getting a lot done... NOT! I've been putzing and putzing and not accomplishing much. There are two bloggers that will remain nameless that have been checking on me, I'm starting to feel bad, I don't have anything to report. Hanging my head in shame for my slothfulness. I did manage to get my swap bag just about finished, all it needs is the handle and the lining.
I also have a baby quilt just about finished. I will be quilting it tomorrow and show you when I'm done.
I really need to finish all of this stuff so I can start the PINCUSHIONS for the AAQ Retreat. Later...xoxomar
Your not alone in the woulda, coulda, and shoulda.....sorry you missed out but it prepares you for next time. What makes matters worse is when you are thinking about the purchase and still in the store only to find somebody else holding it! Yepper...this has happened to me and my stomach wouldn't feel so well. LOL So now...I hold on to it and walk around thinking should I?
Maybe your also on a quilting holiday? Those are ok too!
Ah, I have also played the waiting game, usually because I can't quite justify the cost of an item. Recently, I saw this lovely little girl planter in an antique shop and I thought "pincushion"! Her price tag was $14.00 and I thought, no, and then yes before I could stop myself. I knew she would be gone if I waited. She's equal to the cost of two quilting magazines and I don't mind a bit. I have plenty of them but there's only one of these little girl planter's meant for me! One day I'll post her on my blog.
you will learn one day!! LOL...I do the same...! I love that bag....would be happy if that was coming my way!! LOL.....I have a couple of weeks off in September and hope that I will get lots done but will probably spend a lot of time just "putzing"....what a lovely expression! One could also be "faffing" .....either way not getting much done! But you have got that lovely bag done and a baby quilt almost finished.....don't be too hard on yourself - you are on holidays!!
I think everyone of us has had the very same shopping experience at some point in our life. But I know how you feel.
That said ...
LOVE THE BAG!!! That is just too cute. Tres (shabby) chic! :^)
Now that's a very different trinket, had a bit of a giggle when I saw her.... Great to know about the buttons.
Oh my, that bag is just gorgeous, am I the lucky receiver? Remember you're on holiday's so enjoy putzing if that's what tickles your fancy.
I snickered and giggled through this entire posting. :-)
Oh my goodness the bag recepient is going to love this beauty. Very, very pretty.
I love the bag, you did such a lovely job! Very clever!
And the little elves.. I collect those as well, although I always think of the little maroon colored one as a brownie, I have several of those from my childhood. You don't see them much anymore do you!
You mean you haven't started the pin cushions yet?!?!? I haven't started the frames yet either.
Hello Mar! Have ya missed me? I've missed you! I've been a baaaaad blogger lately, and haven't been checking up on my favorite people. I'm here to remedy that now!
Love the collections and the stories behind them. That Bakelite collection is amazing!! The bag is beautiful - you did a lovely, lovely job!
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