Now where was I ..... OH YEAH...the last post told you all about my sew day at Alex's. After that things got out of control. When I last posted I was working on a baby quilt for a shower on May 31st. Well I almost got it done.... It's still on my board. This pattern is from
Alex Anderson's Baby Quilts with Love.
There was a family episode happening while I was trying to make this and I just didn't have the umph to finish it. I ended up going to Baby's R Us and shopping for a gift. It was just as well, she recieved two hand made quilts at the shower. To finish this I need to either make some corner stones, trim the top & bottom border to fit the width of my fabric for the sides or piece the sides to fit, I haven't decided yet. What would you do? I know most of you would have finished and taken to the shower already!!!
So anywho... I ended up working the Friday that I should have been off, going to the shower on Saturday and then working Sunday and working Monday through Friday and house sitting the following weekend and and and... hmmm oh! I've been working on my pincushion swap surprise, I wish I could give you a peek, I'd love to hear what you think of it, but that won't work because it's a SURPRISE! I'm using
Mary Englebriet fabrics, love her stuff! I'll show you after it's received. Also I'm getting near done with the socks for my sock swap.
Other than that I've been working on my office at work. I've finally moved in to my final resting spot (lol sounds like a cemetery eh?) I took some before pics so that you could see what I'm dealing with.
It's a mess I tell ya, one big mess. In fact the whole unit is a mess, this move involved 15 of my staff, plus myself. One more move to go at the end of June and we will all be able to settle in. I'm still not done with my office,
I've moved it around some since these pics were taken and I still have about 6 boxes to unpack. Now I would like to find a nice little black stand up shelf. Maybe I'll hit some garage sales this weekend.
Oh and my door, this funky door, I need some curtains for it or something. (Like my sign?) Anyway, I'm told by the facilities manager that the *&%*^ door was $7500 or so. They didn't plan to put a door on that wall because it is a load bearing wall. For some reason the architects felt that the reception supervisor's door should open up to another unit, not reception (duh) and had it on the opposite wall. Well, they had to move to the costly plan B and this is the result. Too funny, they tell me if there is an earthquake I've got the safest spot in the office :-) Tomorrow is my Friday off and I'm takin it!! I'm soooo ready for a long weekend. It's good to have that bloggy feeling again!xoxomar Post Script: Big bloggy hugs to those of you who emailed me with concern. It means so much to me that you care.