My ironing board is part of my decor. I never ever take it down (well possibly for non-quilting company) and it is the first thing I see when I walk into my condo. It serves as a catch all when my hands are full coming in the door and is very versatile. You can see it's stained. But I don't care about the stains unless they are transferring to my fabric. The cover is one those that you buy at a quilt/sewing expo. Some smooth talking salesman talked me into it. It's actually very nice for clothing, but too slippery for small block parts and pieces. That's when my handy dandy cut n' press comes to the rescue! So... I've shown you mine, now show us yours!! Thanks Libby, confession is good for the soul ;-o
12 hours ago
I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in using my board as furniture . . . actually a door stop *s* For quilting it works best to put it right in front of the front door, which means that I can open the door a crack, converse and meet a guest at the gate to come in through the slider. Ahhhh - the things we do to make quilting accessible *s*
Huh? Are you insinuating that ironing boards aren't usually a normal part of decor? Pshaw!
Great iron - does it work OK for you? I have that one but it's not a real hot mama, more like a tepid toddler.
Any piece of furniture/appliance ;O), that can multi task is a keeper in my book!
Its seems ironing boards multi task quite well :O).
Very nice, uh, entry way table LOL! Guess it's good I'm on travel this week and unavailable for a photoshoot with my ironing board, 'cause there's no way that ugly think is seeing the light of the blog!!!
I have mine out all the time now too, but in the den. I used to put away after each use, but my cat started sitting on the end I wasn't using, and then I put an old quilt there, and she too to that, so now I just leave it out. I don't think the cat would know what to do without her spot!
Hey! I met up with that same salesman! He convinced me too...but you're right...too slippery! The board cover, not the salesman. Well...maybe both.
I have a small "ironing station" on my cutting table - -looks REALLY bad! But, but Mar, what IS that book?
My ironing board is always up in my sewing room. Why put it away when I'll need to use it at any given moment.
I never take my ironing board down, either! In fact, I have 2 set up in my sewing room - one for ironing, one for stuff! You never know when you're going to need our friend, the ironing board!
Thanks for sharing!
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